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The Blue Lake

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View On the road again back Down Under....60 years here I come! on Samchow58's travel map.

January 22
Another short and easy drive to Mt. Gambier. Stopped at the information centre to get all the hot spots. Map in hand, I headed off to Umpherston Sinkhole. The Umpherston Sinkhole (or the Sunken Garden) is one of the most spectacular gardens located in the Mount Gambier region. Umpherston sinkhole was once a typical limestone cave that formed by the corrosion of limestone rocks by seawater waves and the sinkhole was naturally created when the chamber’s roof collapsed.

The Cave Gardens are the garden located in the centre of Mount Gambier that contain a 90-ft-deep cave. The cave was initially used as a water source for the town. In 1870 the area became a reserve, and by the 1890s trees, gas lamps and seating were installed in the area. On 2 August 2001, the Cave Gardens were declared a State Heritage area. I was told that there is a waterfall tethered when it rains and it’s lit up every night .

City Hall

Mt. Gambier Hotel

Century Tower is located 190 metres above sea level and provides the best views of the city, its beautiful countryside and the volcanic landscape.

Valley Lake was on the way down from Cemtury Tower.

The Blue Lake is a large crater lake located in a dormant volcanic and suppliesmthe town with its water.

Checked into the caravan park and had me a little nap.....I never do this! About 20 minutes later, I was back on the road to check out Englebrecht Cave. I wasn’t too interested in going in cause it’s dark and scary in there....I walked around it and took some pictures. Yes, that’s all I had to do.

A friendly man (too friendly for my liking) told me about The Little Blue Lake where everyone swims. So....I took a drive out there. To be honest I wouldn’t swim in that water!

After dinner I headed out to see the possums in Umpherston Sinkhole.

Then I drove by The Blue Lake

Posted by Samchow58 11:21 Archived in Australia

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