A Travellerspoint blog

Homeward bound!

sunny 24 °C
View Bali Revisited! on Samchow58's travel map.

August 5
We spent the morning at the pool after breakfast on the beach.

Checked out and headed to the airport. Our flight was delayed by 20 minutes.

As we left the hotel, Brad picked up another 1.5 kg of the chip spices that Lou had sent over.

Denpasar to Hong Kong

Hong Kong to Vancouver…slow flight home

Hopped on the skytrain, after many many hours on the plane, to check into the River Rock Hotel.

August 6
Brad headed for his flight to Portland and I headed back to Nanaimo.

I was hoping to have had a few diving pictures of the Molas but the couple we dove with has not sent it. Thanks for following!

Posted by Samchow58 06:33 Archived in Canada

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